Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Sunday, July 19, 2015

WEEK 23- I know Fabio!

We met the coolest young man this week. I might be jumping the gun to say that we have found a future Branch President. But hey, he really is that cool.

It all started out when we recieved this reference from the Elders in another part of the island (Ribeira Grande). What that means is that they ran into this kid on the street and started talking to him, he was really interested but he lived in our area, so they called us and gave us his name and phone number and address. Sometimes it is crazy to think how many times I have entered into a strangers house with no more information than this. =) But I know we are protected, and the scared feeling that I used to feel has worn off. Haha at this point I will just trust in the Spirit to know if a situation is dangerous. But when it comes to Fabio, that is not even an issue.

The Monday after we got the reference, I felt prompted to call this kid. It would be so easy to forget. We have sooo many numbers of different people and different things to remember that a lot of times people slip through the cracks. But I remembered and called him and he sounded really cool! (ps. The telephone is the worst! It is hard to understand Portuguese in person, let alone on a fuzzy phone! I avoid the phone at all costs haha. But luckily this time I bit the bullet and did it! And it ended up being so worth it) We set up a meeting with him the next day. We were really excited, even though we didn't really know what to expect. He could be an old man with a beard or a father with 3 children, we had no idea. When we showed up to his house the next day he opened the door before we could even knock! He is a really cool 19 year old kid, super smart. We all sat down and then the first words that come out of his mouth are a missionarys dream statement: I want to know more about the Book of Mormon. Well, whaddayaknow, we LOVE talking about the Book of Mormon! So we start explaining and he is just eating it up. He says that it makes so much SENSE that Jesus would appear to his other sheep in the Americas. He could not get enough. So for the next 5 days we meet with him, each time talking for an hour or more. He is full of questions, really smart questions that lead right into gospel principles. He had cards and pamphlets that missionaries had given him in the past. He said that he has met with missionaries in the  street before and invited them over, but they never showed up. (Ouch for those missionaries, they were so close to an elect!) At one point this week Fabio stayed up until 5 in the morning reading the Book of Mormon. When we ask him what he thinks about it, he always says ´´It is good!´´......ummm yeah, it is the "goodest" thing we can read my friend! =P

We have invited him to be baptised, so I will keep you all posted on that. One thing that he expressed to us is that he really wishes that he had friends that are as interested in Jesus Christ as he is. We were able to tell him about the amazing youth on our island and the amazing network of missionary work that is going on, full of young people just like him from all over the world. We have missionaries from Australia, Mozambique, Capo Verde, and Arkansas on this island! He was amazed to hear all of that. I sincerely hope and pray that he continues to search. He is so close to the gospel, all he has to do know is ACT on it!

We got to meet our new Mission President this week, President Tavares. He and his wife are from Brasil and don't know a lick of English haha. I totally love them though. Their story is so cute how they met! When President was a missionary in Brasil, his future wife was in his ward! And then she left on her mission to....lemme guess.....PORTUGAL! He waited for her and when she got back they were engaged like 3 weeks later. They kept saying over and over how this was a horrible example for the missionaries, haha but I thought it was cute. She loves this country so much and has a wonderful insight into the people here. I totally believe that they were sent here for a reason. I am excited to see what they will do with this new challenge!

Love you all! Go watch a movie for me! (haha Sister McChesney is a movie fanatic and has told me the plots of a few movies that I definitely plan on a year haha. It is so nice to just relax and watch a movie! That is something I miss!)

Until next week folks~

Sister Barron