Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Monday, September 14, 2015


 This is so normal.
 Our awesome hike to Relva on Prep Day.

 The Azores really are a paradise.
 My comp is a spicy Brazilian BEAUTY.
Some delicious food Sister Neves made for me.

 We went to a place called Furnas again. I have been there, but it was fun to go with Sister Neves. It is a lot like Yellow Stone, lots of naturally hot springs, actually boiling hot. Steam is floating up everywhere. I lot of people put bags of corn on the cob into the hot water for it to cook. That is what I have in my was really good! This is DEFINITELY a wonderful place... you can tell because of all of the old American tourists walking around with their fanny packs!

 (That's how Piper said it when she was a baby.)
"There are these natural springs drinking fountains that you can try......and they are varying degrees of grotty." Sister Neves

My Letter Home:

I feel like so much is going on in the real world and I am out on these forgotten islands that no one knows about! It is fun, definitely, but I am the lasttt one to hear about any sort of news. Oh and by the way...

GOOOOOO COUGSSSSSS WHOOOOOOOOO! Is a legend happening without me?! Everyone stop having fun for 11 months! Looks like we have an awesome new quarterback! RISE AND SHOUT COUGSSSS!!!

This week was so fun! Sister Neves is hilarious. I think it is a sign you are pretty good at a language when you can understand sarcasm. =D She is so hilarious, we are always laughing and screaming and freaking out and talking to people. It is an absolute blast.

This Sunday, all of the new missionaries in our branch were given the opportunity to speak in church. Luckily I am one of the seasoned/oldies here on the Azores (heehee) so I was able to sit in the audience and soak it up. I can testify of the power of a missionary. We had a variety of missionaries (Greenie, Brazilian, American, Mozambiquiandfahsdlfk) and all of them spoke with such amazing power. Elder Kaelberer ( I know, poor guy...the Portuguese will never get his name right) spoke amazingly well for his 2nd Sunday in Portugal. I had little flashbacks to when I was a greenie in Amial, bearing my testimony for the first time in front of the congregation. Sister Neves had a wonderful talk too. She spoke about rescuing those members that have fallen by the wayside. She said something that really hit me. She said "Look around, a lot of the chairs are empty. How many of our brothers and sisters will we allow to fall away without anyone there to catch them?" I know that she is inspired. But the talk that really hit me was by Elder Mubai, an AMAZING elder from Mozambique. He has the most deep voice I have probably ever heard, (he could be a radio talkshow host.) But he spoke about how this branch has so much potential, and that NOW is the time for the members to put forth a little more effort and go the extra mile to duplicate the amount of people here. His words hit the heart, he spoke with the spirit. I can testify that when we put on this nametag, we are given the spiritual gift to speak to people’s hearts.

This mission is the best mission because it is the mission for ME! Everyday is a battle, my legs hurt and my feet hurt and I sometimes struggle to talk to people...but I just have to keep going. The Lord has His hand in this work. But it is all worth it! I love the Lord and I love this work! Until next week!

Sister Barron

Random Fun Fact: I have already worn out 4 pairs of shoes! To all you future sisters: BUY THE UGLY BUT COMFORTABLE SHOES. THE NURSING/LIBRARIAN SHOES.  THE ONES I SWORE I WOULD NOT GET. YOU WILL STOP CARING ONCE YOU ARE OUT IN THE FIELD. It is so very worth it. My sense of fashion has gone out the window.