Me and my new Brazilian companion! She is brand new from the MTC! Sister RIBEIRO!!! This was our first moment together.
I made her this planner. Hehe! Lol!
With President and Sister Tavares.
I spent a few days with Sister De Souza as we waited for our new companions to arrive in Portugal.
Sister Aiono saying goodbye to dear friends. This is Eva, who is the Mother of Diogo.
Our investigator Fatima was really
sad to see her go.
Letter Home:
Today I hit my 14 month mark!
Ahhh time is flying!
This week I had my first sick day in the mission! It was NOT
fun. Staying in the house all day is awful and boring. We have literally
nothing to do but study and watch The Restoration Video (In various languages!
wheee) Basically I hope that this pain in my stomach passes because, Honey, I
have stuff to do!
My new greenie is so awesome! Her name is Sister Ribeiro, and
she is from Brazil. I love her so much. It is a wayyy different experience to
train a Brazilian than an American. She can talk on the phone and help teach
and everything! I still am teaching her, but in a different way. We say our
purpose every morning, in Portuguese and English. I want to help her learn
English because I know it will bless her life so much!
This week I also grabbed a chicken. We passed a house walking
and I was on the phone, but out of the corner of my eye I saw chickens and
stopped in my tracks. The man said we could come and see them if we wanted.
So I walked up and GRABBED ONE! It was freaking out. Haha good times! We
thought about teaching the man but he had a beer in his had so we skidaddled
out of there. But it was hilarious.
We found a family in our area book that had been baptized a few
years ago but now they are inactive. We decided out of the blue to call them
and they invited us over! Their names are Luis and Sandra. They are really good
people, but they said that they feel that there were a lot of things they didn’t
understand in our church and that they decided to stick to the Catholic church,
in which they were raised. This showed to me what President Hinckley said was
true. New converts need a FRIEND, a CALLING, and to be NUTRITIONED BY THE GOOD
WORD OF GOD. I look at them and see a lack of this when they were first baptized.
We just expressed our love and told the story of Joseph Smith and invited them
to come to General Conference and Luis came! We really want to reactivate them
because they have a daughter that is now the age of baptism. It might be a
little tricky, but I believe we can do it and re-spark that testimony that they
used to have!
We marked a man named Rodrigo for baptism. He is the friend of
Eva. I love her so much. She is returning back to the church and bringing all
her friends with her! It really does work, focusing on the members for people
to teach!
CHALLENGE FOR ALL MEMBERS! Every time you sign up to feed the
missionaries, invite a nonmember over as well! It is a very nice, low-pressure
way for them to have contact with the missionaries! We have had so much success
this way and the members get a huge kick out of being member
I love you all so much! Have a wonderful week! Congrats to Tyler
Prince for the mission call to Brazil! I LOVE BRAZILIANS, and I know you will
too! They are a very fun, warm people. Plus they speak Portuguese that is the
best language in the world!
Sister Barron