Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Monday, April 20, 2015

WEEK 11- I Promise I Do More Then Eat. =)))

 This is me next to our Rua (road)...we walk next to this highway everyday to get to our area....its great. And very very safe;)

 We tried our best to make an American meal. We made hamburgers! The fries were just cut up potatoes and the bun was a crossaint....but hey, it was dang good! We are skilled;))))
 A cool old European car. We see these little cars everywhere. I don't know what they are or what brand they are, but they are SO CUTE and I want one. ;) Like little white boxes everywhere.
 These don't look super good, but they are DELICIOUS! It's called Pao de Queijo (Bread of Cheese) and it is soossoso easy to make and sosososos delicious. Takes about 20 minutes to make. Sister Jones made them for breakfast this morning. So tell her mom she is a perfect little baker. ;) She spoils me. I doubt that it would be there in Arky, but you should look for the flour for these things at the grocery store. They have a special flour. I can send an easy way to make them if you want. =D Fun little snack.
This is Pingo Doce, our grocery shop. I like to call it O Lugar Dos Sonhos (The place of dreams)  It's like a funny tiny Walmart. We come here every pday. We are getting to know the workers there really well. The whole place smells like fish because of the stinky Bacalhau..... One thing we can buy there is this magical cereal called MY TIME! It is sosososo good. Any Portugal missionary can tell you how good it is. The one I am holding here is the chocolate version. Basically dessert for breakfast;)))) don't worrryyyyyyy I'm healthy..=D (Fanny Pack sighting! Paige)


Sis Jones…..!!!! =I     hehe

My Letter Home:

This week was wonderful!

Okay, so, to start off I am officially saying this.....a lot of you will probably disagree...But I have to get this off my chest.... I HATE DOGS! They are literally the most annoying thing ever to a missionary! And they are everywhere here! Imagine, you are trying to be spiritual and pray in the street or in a doorway or anywhere and there is a dog barking the whole time! It is the worst! And then they are jumping all over your church clothes and they smell bad and there is dog poop one picks up their dogs poop here. Like, people, cmon now.... I don't think I ever want a dog now. Mommy, I suddenly understand. No dogs for me. My eyes have been opened.

Remember last week when me and Sister Jones had a surprise musical number? Well, this week we had surprise musical numbers 2 AND 3! The first was at a Portuguese baby shower, or Festa da Chuva (Party of Rain) was very different.... (We made tiny little Elder Futuro tags for them....super cute) First off, the fathers got up and read a beautiful letter they wrote. I didn't understand though, because they were like bending over funny while they were reading. I thought it was just a love letter to their wives. But Sister Jones told me later that they were reading these letters to their UNBORN CHILDREN. Then the Primary children sang, and some people spoke, and then, was the awful finaly = / , me and Sister Jones and a Sister in the ward sang Fala-se com Amor (Love is Spoken Here) and it is a very high pitched song. Super sonic high. Our voices were cracking like nuts. But I think everyone thought we were crying, especially because the woman singing with us was literally sobbing. Everyone was in tears. They love us now and told us we are very beautiful singers.=)  I don't think they have a very high standard for musical ability here in Portugal. But, thanks! =D

The next musical number was at a baptism for another ward. The Asisstants to the President snagged us and asked us to sing in the missionary choir, and because they are the APs we had to say yes ;) The pianist was not very good at the music and the whole thing CRASHED AND BURNED. Like, the missionaries were all just singing, like we do, and the piano was at a totally different spot. I got the giggles and it was so hard to finish. But luckily the last verse worked out and the spirit was strong. So, I guess that's all that matters. Everyone was tearing up again. Oh, Portuguese. =)

Rui, the man who said we wanted to be baptised this week, had to be postponed:( He had an emergency work thing in Lisbon. We were very sad. But he is still set in his desire to be baptised. He always tells us about how he has already had such a huge change in his life. He has more hope now. He has more faith now. He is reading the scriptures and loving it. He was so elect, and so prepared. We don't meet many people like him, but I know now that they do exist. People who are just waiting, watching, searching for something more out of this life. It is very important that we actively search out for these souls! Not everyone is ready to hear our message, but those who are will recognize the truth of what we speak and respond! It is so amazing how this whole missionary system works. I love it. <3

Thanks for reading another episode of Sister Barron! I love you all! Reach for the stars! Achieve your dreams! And all of the above!

Sister Barron Giggle Face