Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Monday, April 6, 2015

WEEK 9-The Three Jose's! Yes way Jose!

This is me and Sister Sorensen who I went on divisions with! She is super cool and said that her Mom knows my Mom! I guess you guys were friends in college? She is super fixe. (cool) I learned a lot from her! (Note from Paige: This girl is the daughter of one of my best friends at BYU Hawaii! I lost contact with her until we found each other on the Portugal Missionary Parent page on Facebook. Both of our girls are serving in Portugal. =D I am so happy that they got to serve together for the day!)
This is me in front of our 
awesome chapel on Pday!
  I wanted to take a pic in my Portugal jersey. Everyone thinks it is so cool,  people here are VERY spirited when it comes to futebol.
 Here I am showing my enthusiasm for Port futbol.

 This is our living room and where we study. Below is also our laundry rack. =)
 No one has dryers here.

 This is the view from our window. No ocean to be seen! Haha but I love it. The north is actually super cool. Our apartment is in Amial, but our area consists of mostly Sao Mamede de Infesta and sometimes when we feel crazy we head up to Emersindes for a day which is also in our area.
 We have a large area and have a 
hard time really covering it all. 
 This is a Portuguese food unique to the north called a Francesinha. Basically, its a sandwich full of TONS of meat with an egg on top, covered with slices of cheese, and all this sauce on it with fries on the side. Basically a heart attack on a plate. =) It was good, but don't worry about me eating these everyday and becoming a blimp. But it was fun to try it out! Viva Portugal! We went and ate them on Sister Jones birthday. She's twenty!

 These are some reallyyyyy good pastries called ´´pastes com natas´´ or pastries with cream. They are really good and Portuguese.
 Not too sweet, but very delicious. =)
We found this tiny door on a random little street and thought it was funny. 
It even had a tiny letter slot!
 People drive VWs here all the time!  I had to take a picture in honor of Junebug. And plus it matched my skirt.

 This is the little Easter layout I put together to celebrate! Feliz Pascoa! =P
(Sister Jones provided the American candy...yay!)
 This is our shower (don't worry Daddy, we got it fixed.) It was a fun adventure for a while haha. The edge would give us little cuts sometimes. 
Gotta love the mission life!
 Haha ´´careful with the dog´´.....we walk past weird looking doors like this all the time.
 On Easter, all the cute little Catholic churches decorate with palm leaves and flowers. And it's also a day that almost everyone goes to church!  There are tons of these little churches, like 4 in our area. LOVE how cute they are.

Also, everyone lays out flowers in front of their doors. Not sure exactly what it is supposed to mean, but it is a cute tradition.

So I guess this camera is actually way cooler than we thought it was? It has this flippin sweet setting where you can change peoples faces to make it look like they are smiling. We had some fun with it;) It also has all these different effects and stuff you can do....I promise to send more pictures now haha!

My Letter Home:

Hey everyone! Sister Barron here again! The meninas would like to wish you all a FELIZ PASCOA!!!! (Happy Easter!) I hope you all ate chocolate until you were sick. This week was huge! My two month mark! Wooooo, I am officially 1/9th done with my mission! Moving so fast! This week we also had: Sister Jones birthday, my first zone meeting, General Conference, my first divisions, and much much more! Stay tuned for more details.....

This week I met three men named José. They were all very unique. But all equally children of God. I would like to start out with One-legged Jose:

So we had records from past missionaries here that they had been teaching this man named Jose Barbosa that had only one leg. I think he lost it in a car accident. But they always met him on a bench in the middle of the town square and would teach him about Jesus and the gospel. We didn't have an address for him. Then one night we were walking and we saw a one legged man and thought HEY that must be Jose Barbosa! Haha he was very confused about how we already knew his name. But we invited him to come to conference and he said yes!!! Wooooo!!!! So we told him we would meet him on his favorite bench and walk with him to conference the next day. And he was there! So we walked with him, verrryyyyy slowly, the mile to get to the church. He was a trooper on his crutches.  I love how as a missionary we associate with people from all walks of life. =)

No teeth Jose: he saw us walking with one legged Jose a few days ago and followed us to church! Apparently he had been baptised into the church years ago but he had stopped coming. But when he saw us with one legged Jose he just came right along! Haha he's funny. Lovesss the missionaries. When we asked him why he didn't have dentures, he responded ´´I dont need them!´´ Haha funny dude. I hope he can start coming back. He said he really liked Conference!

Last but not least, "not giving up" Jose: He has been meeting with the missionaries for years, but he hasn't been baptised because he cannot give up his drinking habits. It's so sad to see, because this addiction has seriously taken over his life. He has so many health problems because of it. And he always talks about how he wants to quit. But he just cant muster up the will to really DO it. Poor guy. We are not really sure what to do for him. Hopefully he is relying on the Lord like he needs to. We can do all things through Christ and his Atonement. He has felt all the pains of the world, every pain of every average Jose. He knows me, and you, and each of these men perfectly and just wants them to come back to him. I hope I can fulfill my duty in bringing each of these precious children of God back into His presence. I will do whatever I have to, whether it is walk with a crippled man for an hour and a half or learn a language or walk until my shoes fall apart in order to please my Heavenly Father. That is all I want.

This week I had my first divisions. That means I had a different companion for a day. I was paired with a Sister Sorensen! (This is the daughter of My Mom's friend when she went to BYU Hawaii!!!)  She is in her last transfer, so she is getting ready to go home soon! She is such and awesomeee missionary. She really inspired me and showed me exactly how I can do this work to the fullest. It was strange to not be with Sister Jones, especially because she kinda made me be in charge. Haha I am kinda used to just following my senior companion. I don't know what I'm doing! But it was really good. I gave out some cards with a link to an awesomeee Easter video (#PorqueEleVive or i guess #BecauseHeLives. Go watch it! It is seriously the coolest). It was an awesome experience and at the end of the day we had a dinner appointment with some ward members. We had bacalhau (codfish) and olives. It was literally the saltiest thing I have every eaten. Sososoososos salty. I was drinking water like crazy for hours trying to recover. I had some other good foods this week, I'm sure my Mom will post pics on my blog. (Go there for more information:)

I love this missionary work! Even when people give us wrong addresses and make fun of us (haha they always call out ´´OI ELDER!´´ lol we are the SISTERSSSSS) I know that this is the closest I can get to walking in the Saviors footsteps. I love it. I cannot wait to get better in this language haha, but I know that I can do this. A mission is an eye opening experience. There is a whole WORLD out there, full of different people and different things to experience. But we are all the same in a few ways, we all want the best for our families and want to be happy. That is why this gospel is universal, because it can be applied to these sacred, personal needs. I love you all and I hope you all do something nice for someone else this week. I officially challenge you all to serve someone, someone unexpected, and see the way it changes your day. 

This is Sister Barron, signing out. <3