Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Monday, February 29, 2016

Week 56: Press On!

 This morning we surprised Helia and brought her a cake and a kiesh for her Birthday! She really loved it! We call her our Mission Mom. 
<3 Love her so much!
 My NEW scriptures! 
My old quad.....REFORMED. 
I got them rebound and I LOVE them!

We spent last P-Day at our awesome friend Renata's house! She is super legit and so much fun! She speaks fluent English and seriuosly is one of my favs.
 Had to get a pic with the giraffes cause it's my Momma's favorite animal.
 We went to the Zoo today for P-day! It is the biggest zoo in Portugal! We had a great time!
 Even got to see the Dolphin Show!

 The Elders kept crashing our pics....


 We found this in the grocery store this morning and had to take pictures. Ew! 
(It is wrapped in plastic.)
I wasn't so sure....

My letter Home:

This week we found some new people to teach that have huge potential! One of them was a cool story. Back when I was back with Sister Bakker, we one day saw an older woman struggling to carry a large TV. We ran up to help her, along with another random girl. After helping her, I really wanted to get the information of the girl who helped us but she left. Later with Sister Aiono, we found the same girl again! =D Yesterday we went in her house and taught her and her little brother! Her name is Mara and she is from Capo Verde. It was awesome and I am so excited to keep teaching her!

We had a huge stake conference this weekend and we were able to hear a Seventy speak! It was really awesome and I especially loved his wife’s talk. She spoke about how we can truly use the Atonement to get through the toughest moments in our lives. Everyone hits a rock bottom in his or her life...but because of the Atonement we can build up from these dark moments to something beautiful. We can become something clean, beautiful, and ultimately stronger.

I am so thankful for all the amazing support I have received on my mission! I really do appreciate it! I love that blanket that my Momma made for me that a lot of you signed! I still use it, read your notes you wrote on it! They make me giggle, feel happy and loved.

I love you all!

Sister Barron