Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 52: The Lord Is With Me

Today on our Prep day we went to a place called Devils Mouth. It was so cool. Luckily we didn't fall in....

Havin fun!

 Not sure what happened here...

My Letter Home:
This week was a little crazy. A lot of our commitments fell through and we struggled to find some new people to teach. But that is how missions are a lot of the time. I know my pictures portray a lot of fun and good times but truth is we work hard and it is not easy searching for those that want to know the things of God. We are starting a new system of asking the members for references. It is very effective and has already given some fruits. It involves saying a prayer to ask for inspiration, and then asking the members really specific questions to help prompt people to come to their minds. The questions help them think of people in their lives that have had big changes, because usually those people are the most ready for the hopeful message of The Gospel.

Henrique and his daughter came to church again this week.  He is about to have a big surgery on his back, so he won’t be able to leave his house for a month. This might just be the big change that will open his heart and help him on the path, including quitting smoking and just plain believing in God.

We had a really fun activity with the church members this week. We did a bunch of Minute to Win it games. It ended up being really fun, well attended and a huge success! The Elders were a half an hour late so we decorated their car to get them back. ;)

I love you all so much! I love this gospel and I know it is true! My heart goes out to my friend Drew <3 that had to go home early from her mission because of a sickness. I am praying for you and I hope you get better fast!

Love you all!

<3 Sister Barron