Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 59: Diogo's Baptism!!!

 Diogo and his darling Mom.
 Baby brother.
                  Diogo's family and friends.
I played the violin for the baptism. Everyone freaked out and said that I should play for Stake Conference.
Haha these people are so funny, but I WOULD do anything for them. =)
 This is us EXHAUSTED after the baptism. At moments it was stressful to put it all together but in the end it was wonderful and so spiritual! Totally a success!

This is Alexandra, a little girl from the ward. 
She is so cute and totally sassy.
 Happy Easter!!!
 Our chocolate friend. He's dead...
 From prep-day today. 
We went to Quinta de Regeleira.

 Sintra is BEAUTIFUL! This is our area!
I got to say goodbye to Sister Neves and Sister Olsen. They finish their mission this week! After they leave, Sister Aiono will be my only companion left in the mission! =0

Letter Home:

          Diogo’s baptism was a huge success! We were running around the chapel, getting the programs ready and filling the font and herding the members and getting the primary kids together for the special musical number and I was playing violin AHHHHHH. But in the end it was a huge success! Diego’s mother was so touched!  She thanked us for the wonderful meeting we planned. Diogo was on cloud nine. He loved the baptismal clothing and I said "You only get to wear this once in your life" I am sooo excited that someday Portugal will get their own temple. We are preparing the country for this blessing. Once they have the temple, Diogo will be able to enter the waters of baptism again and be baptized for others.

It was so weird to play the violin again! It all came flooding back! The muscle memory never died! Thank you, Sister Smith, (my violin teacher in high school and member of the church) for teaching me everything I know! These skills have gone to good use and brought the spirit in a chapel in Portugal because of you! I had to give the violin back to the member, and all the members were going on and on about how they need to get me one so I can play for Stake Conference.

This is the beginning of the last week of the transfer. I can’t believe it. It has literally just flown by. I am so happy that I was able to help Sister Aiono taste the joy of baptism during her training. I was really nervous that we would end training and she still wouldn’t have any experience baptizing. But we worked hard, we were smart, and the Lord did his part and blessed us. And BOOM, the waters of baptism!  It all went super well.

We had a division with some Sisters in our mission that have a car. All I have to say is: to all you missionaries that have cars in the mission, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LUCKY YOU ARE. That is all I can say. AKA my hair is soaking wet from the rain right now. =)

Sister Barron