Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Monday, June 20, 2016

Week 72: TRIPULA DE PODER! (I’m in a tri-companionship now!)

 As a farewell to Sister Bravender today we went and ate hotdogs at the ocean. I will miss her.
 This one goes out to Boston. A member gave me this awesome "Doc. Who" shirt.
Hey! I found this Volkswagen Loafer bus. This one's for you Randy. :)

 Our studies are fun. In the second picture, I have received a personal revelation from my patriarchal blessing and Sister Bravender is practicing patience with me.

 Photo shoot on the streets of Portugal.
I, Quincey Barron, am a missionary 
of Lisbon Portugal.

Letter Home:
So people this is it. The last transfer. Six more weeks. Six more weekly planning sessions. Six more group emails. This one goes out for those of you that are still reading my emails. You all are the true champions here:)

So (drum roll) for the rest of my mission I will be staying in Cascais! Imagine the angels singing because this area is the BOMB and so beautiful and we go running by the beach everyday! The only down side is that Sister Bravender will be going to Setubal with Sister Vanaquer, our only French Sister of the mission. Sis. Bravender was overjoyed with that she apparently studied French before the mission and she is wanting to brush up her skills. I am sad though that I won’t be able to finish her training. She is so awesome and there was so much that I learned from her. I will miss her opera singing, British accent, and extensive journal keeping:) If her mother reads this email, I would like you to know that you raised a wonderful daughter and that she is very obedient. Her heart is in this work!

I will be serving in a TRI companionship with Sisters Call and Conrad, both seasoned missionaries. My first time not training in 4ever! It will be strange to work with others that have the ways they like to work. I am so ready to learn and just work like crazy. President said that his idea for Cascais is that during the day we 3 work together, but every night we will go on splits with members. I think he is testing this area to see if it can handle 2 companionships. We will have to work hard to prove that Cascais has enough people to teach and members that are excited and willing to help. I hope this branch is up to the challenge and that we can get some killer work done.

My good friend Elder Soares finally was taken off his throne as Assistant to the President. He is an awesome missionary and his greenie is so lucky!

This week was hard for me. I had a certain day that I just felt like I am not making a difference. I got pretty emotional. I know that in the end of the mission Satan tries to get us. He tries to make us feel like we are awful missionaries or that we didn’t make a difference or the time is out for us to become who we truly want to be. If you are a missionary that is near the end, I have something you need to know: DON’T LISTEN TO HIM! God accepts our sacrifice. Don’t live a life of regrets. We should do our best and let God do the rest. I hope I can stay strong until the end and strengthen any other missionary with me. We are all part of the army of God. He has chosen us, all members of the Church in this generation, to declare the good word of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We are the chosen generation. Satan wants us to feel tired or depressed or incapable...all of which are lies! I know that the Atonement is real. I feel the arms of my Saviors love every time I kneel in supplication to the Lord. He hears the wounded heart and he heals the aching soul. I love this gospel. And I love the miracles that happen everyday because of it. If something is standing in between you and this bliss that only comes through Jesus Christ, my invite for you is to eliminate that wall and run to Him!

I love you all and I love my mission. I know this church is true. I know Jesus Christ lives. I know that He is the way to eternal life, which is living in the presence of our Loving Heavenly Father for forever and forever.


Sister Quincey Barron