Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Friday, March 20, 2015

INDEED! I am alive!

Here are all new missionaries with our new trainers and the Mission President and his wife.

I am in Portugal! This is so fun and strange haha. My area is the Porto North Zone, more specifically the town of Amial. My new trainer is Sister Jones. We have a lot of fun and we are both really tall haha. We call ourselves the forest. I guess Portugal is where they send all the tall sisters. We are actually opening a new area! We are super excited. We were given a bunch of records of people who have been taught in the past, some from 2007! Haha! And this morning we went through all of them, trying to figure out who to teach. Sister Jones is new to this area too, so it should be interesting.

The travel was crazy, hours and hours without any sleep. We kinda got jipped of our welcome to the mission shpeal because of the travel mixups, but its okay. =) My Mission Pres. seems cool and so does everything else. My prep-days that I will email you is on Mondays. I have yet to talk to a real live Portuguese person, so that will be interesting. =D Oh wait, I heard their voices on the phones! wooooooo~Haha!

Love you all! The church is true! Portuguese is fun!~~Sister Barron