Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Week 5- The ZOO came to town!

 It must be done.
Sister Dixon is awesome.
Next week we will hop the pond!

This is our MTC Branch President
This sweet couple is the Bertassos!  I must remember them. I love them!
Love this sculpture at the MTC.  Makes me kinda thankful that we don't ride bikes in Portugal. Hehe

My letter home:

OI TO ALL! This week has been great! Wow, surprise right? Jeez, I am having so much fun being a missionary. I love it all.

This week the zoo has come to town at the MTC! One night I was trying to sleep and I hear all these girls screaming and squealing. In a dorm, that is a normal thing to hear at midnight. But at the MTC we all go to bed at 10:30 on the dot, so I was wondering what in the world those girls were doing. And then we here a girl on the phone with the front desk "There is definitely a MOUSE in our room!" haha no one could sleep very well after that! haha the whole hall heard her! and then during relief society on Sunday we were all sitting there trying to pay attention and all of a sudden a BAT starts flying around the room! Like what?! Haha whenever it got really close to the audience the girls would scream. Haha needless to say, we were not very focused on the speaker.

This week me and Sister Dixon got to welcome our new sisters and elders into our Zone. We had 7 new sisters and 3 new elders. They are all going to Brazil. It was so fun to look into their eyes and know exactly how they are feeling. We bore our testimonies and let them know they are in good hands. It's so bizarre that we are the "oldest" missionaries in our district! We only have one week left before we go! It's coming up fast! We are the senior citizens of the Portuguese hall! Haha we try so hard to set a good example for future elders and sisters.

For example, yesterday my district decided that we would do a "English fast" all day! Every time we accidentally spoke English we had to put a mark on the board with our name by it. We all had tons of marks by the end of the day! But I honestly think it was such a great experience. Soon we will be constantly doing and "English fast", might as well start now! I was able to say so much more than I thought I could. For the most part I was completely functional!

We recieved our flight plans this week! We will be flying to Dallas, then to ENGLAND and then to Portugal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a 4 hour layover in London, but unfortunately we cannot leave the airport. We wanted so badly to go out and explore, but I'm sure they just don't want us to miss our flight. That would be tragic! 

Me and Sister Dixon got to meet personally Brother and Sister Bertasso. Brother Bertasso is the second counselor of the whole Missionary Training Center. He has been to Portugal and only had awesome things to say about it. I honestly believe I am going to one of the best missions. =D He really loved us, and told us that he knows our future mission president personally (the one that will be put in in July) and wanted to send him and email saying "You know you have been blessed if you see that you will be getting Sister Barron and Sister Dixon!" Wow, what a compliment! He asked us on the spot to teach him something in Portuguese and we nailed it. Wooo!

This week an elder told me and Sister Dixon that we have "the best hair companionship ever". Haha never heard that one before! Thanks elder!

I love this church and I love you all! I know this is the one true church on the earth! It has everything we need! I know it when I pray, read the scriptures, and teach. We had an awesome experience this week. We were teaching this elder (pretending to be a nonmember who was interested in the church. He was a very good actor). He said afterwards that he was trying his hardest to act like a nonmember friend of his. We were teaching him about the importance of prayer (all in Portuguese of course) and we asked him to pray with us. We all knelt down to show respect for God, and he gave the most innocent and sweet prayer ever. The Spirit was so strong, He even choked up a bit.  Afterwards he said it was so spiritual and he could just feel our sincerity and he truthfulness of our message. It meant so much. 

Love you all! Have a wonderful week!!!

Sister Barron