Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Monday, August 17, 2015

WEEK 28-I Have Snails On My Head!

There was a cool festival in town! In Portuguese, jellyfish is "aguas vivas" or in direct translation, "living waters".
 This is a recent convert named Graca. She is sooso unbelievably cute! I helped her write her very first talk in Sacrament meeting and she gave it on Sunday about honesty.

 The height difference between her and me is pretty standard for the Portuguese.
Love her!
 This is cute little Daniella, she is 12. She LOVES the sister missionaries! I gave her one of my bracelets a few months ago. 
We had a fun photo shoot.
 Me during our companionship study. We were practicing our teaching and I was pretending to be an old lady who needs her glasses to read.
Ummm....what did we just order to eat???
 You tell me.
This is no mystery. ICECREAMMMM!
 This is my Mission President! 
Pres. Tavares has swag...
 Lunch at the last Zone Conference. It was so fun!
 On my 6 month mark my wonderful companion made me some AMAZING scrambled eggs. 
What a Georgia peach. I love her. =D
We went to a cemetery last P-Day (remember), all of my grave whispering abilities were coming back to me. ;) I fixed all of the flowers that had fallen down on this mans grave. 
We are friends now.
 We got special permission to take this girl from our ward, Carin (pronounced CAH-reen) into our apartment and make lunch for her. She was honored to be the FIRST person EVER to enter the Sisters apartment! 
We had fun making lunch for her.

 These are all of the missionaries on this island. 
Elevator selfie!
This was a beautiful baptism of Flavio. 
The spirit was so strong there.
 We had fun touring this factory today. 
I'm having a great day.
 Sweet sisters in our ward.
 Hey YOU over there! 
Do you want to be baptized?!
 Proud to be a missionary. I love this church.
This little girl is on her way to ballet class. 
We are teaching her family. <3
A Pakistan family that we taught a while ago. Such a sweet family.

My Letter Home:

In Portuguese, the word for ´´snail´´ and ´´curl´´ is the same word. It is caracóis. People are always commenting on my beautiful snails. I like to say thank you and, yes, they are natural. I really do love my snails. It makes doing my hair so very easy. I hope that the title of this email was enough to make you want to read it. You are hooked now! Curiosity killed the cat!

HELLOOO EVERYBODY! I am Sister Barron and this week I would like to introduce you to some really cute people that I have come to know and love this week. Their names are Maria, Rodrigo, Maria, and Rodrigo. Let us begin with the first pair.

The other day we were out in the boonies of our area, somewhere called Lagoa, and we were knocking doors. There was a BEAUTIFUL view of the ocean on one side and colorful doors for miles on the other. Cute little Catholic ladies were rejecting us, the usual.... Then we contact this older woman and her dear grandson Rodrigo. And they were the cutest people EVER. I will have to make a list. Here it is: 

-Marias house was FULL of random things, from ferns and random trinkets and Fatima statues. It was like playing that I Spy computer game. So much stuff to look at~
-She offered us a beer and Sister McChesney unknowingly accepted. Hahahahah luckily I knew the word for beer and said thanks but no thanks. It was a funny moment.
-Rodrigo, who was 13, was VERY smart and understood everything we taught, even with our awful American accents. He accepted the Book of Mormon and said he would read it. Hope he does!
-Maria didn't understand our accents, but she just loved us so very much.
-She fed us sweet rice.
-She cried every time Rodrigo said something smart because she was so proud. =)
-She asked us for our addresses so that when we leave the island Rodrigo could write us letters.
-She was convinced I looked just like her Canadian daughter in law.
-Rodrigo asked me if I knew ´´Brad Pitts´´ or ´´Anjolina Jolie´´ Haha! =P

It was a wonderful little visit. Funny thing about the Portuguese is that they will either want nothing to do with us, or basically adopt us on the spot.

The other Maria is this cute little old lady in our ward. She is such a trooper and comes to church every Sunday even if by herself. 
-She is so cute, a head of thick white hair.
-She bore the cutest testimony in Gospel Principles but she had to close her eyes because she was too embarrassed. =)
-She doesn't understand anything I say.
-I understand nothing she says (she has the thickest Azorean accent)
-She wore her sweats and slippers to church.<3

She also has a grandson named Rodrigo who is super cool, wants to be baptised, and is 7 years old.

We did a lot of fun things this week. We:
-Read a conference talk by President Uchtdorf. I don't care if it is wrong to say, HE IS MY FAVORITE!!!
-We bought some coloring books! Whenever we have an extra 5 minutes at lunch we like to color. YAY ART!!!
-Me and Sister McChesney are writing a book about our experience here on the Açores. its wicked cool!
-We discovered we both watched Sailor Moon as children. NERD MOMENT!
-We heart-attacked our new branch President's front door!

I love the mission so much! There are definitely hard moments and moments when I wonder if I am even a good missionary. Me and Sister McChesney were talking about it and we realized that probably EVERY MISSIONARY FROM THE DAWN OF TIME has felt that way. So I have resolved to let that go behind me, and strive to make everyday better than the last day. 

Shoutout to everyone I know on a MISSION! I love you all so much and look up to you all!