Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Monday, May 11, 2015

WEEK 14-I Stand In Holy Places

Me and the family! Whoa, my hair looks super crazy in this picture. You all probably thought I have pulled out my hair or something. Whateves, it was really fun to skype you all! and to Daddy: GREAT idea to sing Families Can Be Together Forever! not! Jeez, are you trying to make me trunky?!?!? hahaha The family I was with thought I was having a meltdown when I came out crying everywhere! I was fine after about 20 minutes. They even gave me icecream. So that helped. Looking back I bet that video is really funny. I think I sang three words until I started crying. For Christmas: We will not be singing! We will keep it light and fun and the goodbyes will be short and sweet. Tao bom!? haha I love you guys:)
 There was a huge storm here last week and it was SUPER windy. Tons of tree branches fell down. We found this tree that basically split in half. We were out during the whole thing. Looking back, I definitely think we should've taken cover. But theres no way to know, and we don't want to ask, so we just kept working. Rain or shine or tornados, the work goes on!

 Selfie time!
 There is this little girl in our ward who is always trying to steal my missionary badge, so I made her one of her own. She wanted it to say Sister Barron. She loved it at first but later she came back and wanted mine again. Oh well, it was worth a try. Not gonna lie, it's kinda annoying when she just steals it and runs and Sister Jones are laughing and trying to look angelic and peaceful while wrestling it from her lololol. She is a cute girl. I guess she just really wants to be a missionary.  =)

 Joana and her Mom.
 Sis. Jones, Brasi (a really awesome woman in the ward who taught Joana with us. She is like her second Mom already. ) Joana with her Mom, and Me. 
 Me and Irmã Fátima. She is awesome. She has gone teaching with us before, and always comes to church with a van full of young boys from her neighborhood. She also loves us so much. We have eaten at her house a few times. She truly believes I am great at Portuguese, so I will frequently have conversations with her that I do not understand much of. Luckily she loves to talk so I just throw in a pois or a isso mesmo every once in a while and that is all 
she needs. I adore her.

Sister Jones and Amilcar. He is filling out this letter that will tell the story of his conversion, how he met the missionaries and everything. Once we get a temple in Portugal, they will compile all the stories into a book and give it to the prophet. Amilcar seemed excited and wrote about how he has the priesthood now and blesses the sacrament every week.

She has had a really hard past, things I don't want to share, and I just know that this gospel is exactly what she needs. She looks more alive every time we talk to her, less depressed. She has a sense of humor now. She laughs now. Even her mom commented on the difference she has seen. She said that Joana laughs for the first time now. I DEFINITELY want to friend her on facebook when I get back. Her full name is Jonana Isabel Batista Aurojo (not so sure about the last name, something like that) So many people came out to her baptism, we were so happy. She truly is elect. The Elders joke that Sisters throw that word around all the time, but with her it really was true! =) She sought out the gospel. She made everything happen. I love her so much and I am so grateful that I had a tiny part in her journey to this special day. 
We found a creepy tunnel that gets us to our area. We will NOT be using it at night! It is either this or the highway! Haha oh man.

My Letter Home:

Hello everyone! Me again!

I got to Skype my family for Mother's Day yesterday. That was an out of this world experience. So fun.  I feel like I'm a different person now, not the goofy Quincey that used to exist. Now I am the goofy Sister Barron! AND oh what a change for the better!

This week we were able to help Joana take a step towards salvation and enter the waters of baptism. It was SO COOL! Such an awesome experience! She seemed a little nervous at first, especially when the water was a little chilly, but afterwards she was so happy. The man who performed the baptism was a recent convert too, so he had to do it three times to make sure she went all the way under the water. Haha third times a charm. She gave time a big hug afterwards. They will be friends forever, I just know it. Afterwards she bore her testimony for everyone there. Joana is so darling. She retold her story, how she met Elders 4 years ago and how she never forgot the feeling she had with them or the Book of Mormon they left with her. She was so prepared before we met her. She said that when she met us she didn't think we were real, that we were angels. What a huge title to live up to! This was exactly what she needed in her life. Every time we meet with her she seems more alive. I know she is on the path to overcoming her depression and returning to her Father in Heaven one day. I'm just glad I had a small part in her story.
Love you all! Have a wonderful week!
Sister Barron