Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Monday, May 18, 2015

WEEK 15-I got my first blister this week!

 We went to Porto last prep-day!  And look! PANTS! I REALLY DO HAVE LEGS!
 Woowww this mission is the best!
 Beautiful countryside!

 We found this pretty dirt trail to walk on. 
It was so cool!
 An artsy tree tunnel.
 We made banana bread for weekly planning. We were very proud of ourselves.
We found this written in the dust on a wall. Haha we added the heart and the hashtag. The Elders here said it wasn't them! Maybe it's been there for years! Haha or not.
 I think I want to make an album of pictures in front of catholic churches. We pass like 4 a day. They are always really beautiful!
We changed Rafaels cigarette box to this. It says YOU ARE STRONG! You can quit! He thought it was really funny. It was strange to see him laugh because normally when he talks he sounds angry.....even when he isn't. He is a really funny man. I have a hard time understanding him, and a lot of the time I think he is really mad. But he will be talking about how he really wants to get baptised! When we told him he needed to quit smoking he said that he would do it right now! Today! But he was smoking a whole pack a day!!!! We were kinda incredulous (is that a word?) but we didn't want to burst his bubble and say that it might be more difficult than that.....later he called us to tell us he had smoked again. He was so dissapointed in himself, it was really sad. So we came up with a plan to quit slowly. He really wants to do it. He and his wife are a wonderful couple.
I got some new leather sandals! They were a steal! Made in Portugal baby!~~
Letter Home:
I am officially naming this week SEMANA PODEROSA. Because me and Sister Jones realized something this week: WE ARE POWERFUL! A lot of people don't think so, but we are! and I know that now. As Sister Jones says, "God's Army is coming and they are coming in SKIRTS!"

A lot of times in lessons we have a hard time keeping the discussion focused on the Gospel because Portuguese people LOVE to talk, and sometimes we lack the confidence to stop them from going off topic. As Americans, we think it is really rude to interrupt people when they are talking. We want them to get the chance to say all they want. But the thing about the Portuguese is that they interrupt eachother all the time! It is a nonstop interruption fest! So this week during our studies and practices, me and Sister Jones decided we wanted to be POWERFUL teachers, and take control of these lessons. And we saw some miracles because of it.

We have these investigators named Rafael and Candida. They are this cute old couple, and from the moment we met them we have been blown away by how well they have been prepared for this Gospel. They were a reference from some other sisters in another area. They said to be careful, because Rafael seemed pretty angry and really wanted spiritual answers for the problems he was having in his life. He said that he felt the spirit of the devil in his life. Those are some pretty heavy words! To say the least, we were pretty nervous to meet with them. We didn't know if we could handle this problem. So I gave Sister Jones a little peptalk, Sister Barron style, and we went to the lesson with our heads held high. They had driven half and hour to get to the chapel to meet with us! Obviously they really wanted this. So we dove right in. And it went really well! Rafael has this voice so that he always sounds angry, but he has never been angry at us. He always tells us how we are good people and that we are saints and whatnot. At the end, we invited them to be baptised and their response was Sure! Why not?! We were excited! They were interested and wanted to be baptised! They said they felt that this really was the church of God! It was so special!  Rafael asked if we wear clothes when we are baptised....YES! PLEASE WEAR CLOTHES! hahaha

We then told them about the Word of Wisdom, about how to be baptised you cannot partake of illegal drugs, coffee, black tea, alcohol or smoking. Oh, the Portuguese love their coffee. And basically everyone smokes. So we were really worried that Rafael would have a problem, we knew he smoked just by looking at him. But he immediately accepted, saying that he would quit smoking TODAY! This very moment! And then he offered a very heartfelt (and kinda angry sounding) prayer to have the strength to quit smoking for good! They are so amazing! He gave us all his cigarettes afterwards, and we are just watching their progress in amazement.

I know that we can all overcome our difficulties with the help of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that I am a powerful teacher! I am here to teach without fear! To speak with a kind but firm voice. I am still learning this ability. Sorry if I come back after the mission and interrupt you! I swear, it was weird for me too!
Love you all! Sister Barron