Sister Barron's Picture

Sister Barron's Picture

Monday, September 7, 2015

WEEK 31-Sister Neves can dance the SAMBA! Cha Cha Cha....

MY NEW COMPANION! Sister Neves! She is so very cool. She is sassy, has a lot of spirit, teaches with a LOT of power. I am learning so much from her (including how to dance the Samba and COOK Brazilian food! And how to tell horror stories in Portuguese (which end up being WAY more funny then scary.))
Haha! Right after I took this picture she said, "Sister, I am very ugly right now and if you send that picture to your Mom, I will kill you......."HEHE I'M SENDING IT LOLOLOL! Don't worry, she says stuff like that all the time. She is hilarious and hates cats. She says in Brazil they would eat cats. You can imagine how horrified Paulo Jorge was when he heard this, he lives with about 20 cats that he calls his "criancas". (His children.) =D
Sometimes I find weird fruits that I have never tried before in the US and I buy them. One of them was this. I don't remember the name of it but it was like a flat peach. I affectionally named them our "teething rings".......they were really good, kinda tasted like an apricot inside. I title this picture, "My Georgia peaches!"

My letter home:


This week has been really interesting. Sister Neves doesn’t know this area at all, so I have to kinda lead us around. I was really nervous before because I have never really been the one to drive this car we call missionary work, but it has been going great! We haven’t gotten lost a single time! This week I have realized a bunch of things I have learned and that I am learning out here on the mission. Here is a quick list: 

-How to read a map! Before my mission I would look at a map, laugh, and whip out my iphone with GPS. But now I can use a map with ease, look at it and imagine the street in my mind. It’s incredible! 
-Cook! My new companion is teaching me the basics of how to cook. She said that she has been cooking meals for her family since she was 14 years old. She knows alllll the spices and whatnot (haha the first day she came to our house she went through all the spices and threw away about half of them that had gone bad and had mold. oopsy, I didn’t even realize!) She is a master at Brasilian meats and beans and rice and all the good stuff. :P
-Clean! You would not believe the gross stuff that gets accumulated in a house of missionaries. We live in kind of a temporary mentality, like "what’s the point of unpacking, I will leave in 6 weeks" or "what’s the point of cleaning the fridge, I will just let the next missionaries clean that up." The result? A HUGE ACCUMULATION OF ABOUT 1000 PLASTIC BAGS FROM THE LOCAL GROCERY STORE HIDDEN IN THE CLOSET! Cmon people! Are we animals? Clean up what you get out! Ja heez! ( imagine that in the voice of Kip from Napoleon Dynamite) 
-Power through being awkward! Many times in life, when people feel awkward, they shut down or run away. Heads up friends, missionary work is the most awkward thing I have ever done in my life! But we just have to power through and be cooler than that. 

I had such an overwhelming feeling of fulfillment this week when Joana was confirmed. She received the GIFT of the Holy Ghost. This means that from now on, if she is following the commandments and keeping her covenants, she has the PROMISE from the Lord that the Holy Spirit will be with her. It was a great opportunity for me to see her smile afterwards with her teary eyes. She really is so special. And in the same day she went up to the pulpit and shared her very first testimony with everyone. I felt like a happy mommy watching my child go to their first day of school. Joana has such a strong testimony already. She is already so integrated into the ward, is already one of the youth. She is attending seminary and cleaning the church and coming to English classes and everything. I love her so much. I will never forget her, and I totally teared up when she said in her testimony that "We thank God everyday that the sisters were sent to our house."

One thing that I like a lot that my Dad wrote on my blanket (before my mission my mom made me a quilt, a lot of you signed it. I use it everyday! I love it so much and all my comps think it is adorable!) He said "You never have to be embarrassed. The people who reject you will forget you. The people who accept you will LOVE YOU FOREVER!" I testify that this is true. We never have to be afraid of rejection. This work is bigger than that.

I know that this church is true. I will NOT give heed when people try to convince me I am wrong everyday. I have seen the changes happen in people’s lives. I have witnessed miracles. I have witnessed hearts change. I know that to gain this certainty, every single one of us has to get on our knees and ask the One person who knows everything. There is no other way to know. 

I love you all with all my heart! You are in my prayers! 

Sister Quincey Barron